
virtual richard stallman


As much as I like distro hopping (excessively changing linux distro's until your laptop refuses to boot at all) after bricking enough laptops and trying out all the GNU approved linux distro's here. I've finally settled on debian 12 & KDE plasma... I know there are some non-free bits.

I will probably end up eventually getting a decent Qubes, openBSD, guix or trisquel laptop running libre firmware but for now I'm stuck with a crappy windows laptop you can always buy in computer shops. They come with windows and annoying BIOS restrictions & non-free firmware by default.


I found this interesting package called vrms or "virtual richard stallman" which is a debian package that tells you how many non-free packages your running.

sudo apt-get install vrms

I won't show the full output of the command but this is the final stats:

5 non-free packages, 0.2% of 2104 installed packages.

I can live with 0.2% for now until I get a better laptop and no surprises that the 5 non-free packages are firmware, networking & wifi drivers, microcode blobs.

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